“The advancement and perfection of mathematics are ultimately connected with the prosperity of the state.”
MAT141/144: College Mathematics
Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its applications to real-life problems. Emphasis on understanding mathematical concepts and their applications. Topics include set theory, probability, statistics, finance, and geometry.
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All 6 major trigonometric functions. Credit for the gif is here
MAT182: Plane Trigonometry
A study of measures of angles, properties of functions thereof (trigonometric functions), and the application of such thought to areas such as engineering and physics. Emphasis is placed on student fluency in angular functions to build confidence in future courses on calculus and beyond.
MAT154: Applied College Algebra
This course is designed to prepare learners to integrate fundamental mathematical concepts with the critical and quantitative thinking needed to solve workplace-related problems. The course is founded upon a functional and technological approach to algebra. Topics include functions, algebraic and exponential equations, systems, matrices, probability, and statistics. Material is made more theoretical as compared with MAT141.
MAT213: Brief Calculus
Focuses on applications of integral and derivative calculus to business, life science, and social science. Course is meant to instill calculus as a tool for solving application problems and less about theoretical foundations.
MAT120: Intermediate Algebra
A "from-the-ground-up" construction of algebraic thinking with emphasis on real-life applications (the dreaded word problem). Students get an introduction to mathematical thinking sufficient for future courses in algebra and trigonometry. Course topics include:
quadratic forms (graphing, root-finding, etc)
exponential and logarithm functions
Definition of a derivative!
MAT265: Calculus 1 - Syllabus - Spring 2017
A first course on the marvelous world of changes and areas with emphasis on real-life applications, especially engineering problems. A foundation is built for the student to succeed in future calculus based problems (which are more numerous than would first appear). Gif made from 3Blue1Brown.
MAT266: Calculus 2 - Syllabus - Spring 2018
A second course on solving engineering problems with calculus. Emphasis is placed on the integral as a tool for areas, volumes, and other physical applications. An introduction to sequences and series of real numbers establishes a connection to computer science. Students should be prepared for vector calculus and electromagnetic physics. Gif made from 3Blue1Brown.